Gioia Wang

Second-year BFA in Comunication Design | Minors in Marketing and HCI

2. I'm from Boston, MA and I gew up in Shenzhen, China. I'm taking this class because I'm looking into the interaction design industry in the future. I'm hoping to explore my interest in this field through this foundation class.

3. I don't have experience in HTML/CSS/JS.

4. The basics of creating interactive and responsive web designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes.

5. ​Designing for screen significantly differs from designing for paper primarily due to interactivity and user engagement capabilities that digital media offers.​

6. Tore S. Bentsen Portfolio. One of the soothest (web flow) and most visually appealing & enganging website.

7. Slack exemplifies effective communication. The design and content of Slack’s website enable clear messaging and user understanding. The website features engaging illustrations and animations that complement the text, making explanations more relatable and easier to digest. Menu items and buttons are intuitively labeled, aiding users in finding information quickly and effortlessly.

8. ​One website that works well is Airbnb's homepage​. This design effectively prioritizes user experience through its intuitive layout, visually appealing graphics, and clear navigation. The design also includes a smart search feature that auto-fills previous searches, reducing friction for return users.